Making Medicaid Planning Simple
Caring for yourself or your loved ones can be extremely costly, eating into your assets and leaving little for the rest of your family. At the Law Offices of Naiman & Naiman, P.A., we understand that you need help paying for this care — which is why we work with our clients to maximize the amount of Medicaid benefits they are eligible to receive.
Medicaid planning can be a complicated and intensive process. With the vast amount of paperwork and records you need to prepare, it’s easy to get lost in the process. Our attorneys strive to make it as understandable and simple as possible, so you can worry less about securing the financial help you need to cover care. This way, you can focus on the well-being of your family.
Get the Help You Need to Pay for Care
When a loved one needs to move into a care facility, the last thing your family needs to worry about is finances. We understand this is a difficult time for everyone and will strive to make it as worry-free as possible. Medicaid planning is just one tool available to you in Maryland to help you pay for quality care, without putting strain on the rest of your family.
Protect Your Assets and Your Family
Without proper Medicaid planning, you could be throwing your money away. The longer you wait, the more your bills dig into your hard-earned assets. This means that you may have very little to pass onto your children or other family members, and even worse — you could leave your spouse with very little to care for him or herself.
Our lawyers understand what’s at stake. We will help you gather the information you need to apply for benefits, so you can worry less about the details. To get started, call our office at 410-504-1113 to set up a consultation, or contact us online.